By Christopher Machinich

Compared to some  other states, Nevada has had a pretty successful launch of their recreational cannabis market. Since the rec market was established, growers in Nevada have benefited from consistently high wholesale prices, but a recent report stated that supply in the state is expected to catch up with demand in the near future, inevitably driving prices down.

This is an issue that growers in any successful market can expect to face. And to combat the drop in wholesale prices, growers are going to have to adapt and introduce growing methods that cut costs while maintaining quality. This is the moment greenhouse growers have been waiting for. They’ll soon be able to capitalize on the changing market by providing quality bud at a lower cost. Due to the lower production costs associated with greenhouse-grown cannabis, growers can expect to see more light deprivation greenhouses being utilized in Nevada and beyond.

As the number of light dep greenhouses increases, growers will have to make the right decision when choosing a greenhouse and light dep brand. Above all else, growers should invest in an automated light deprivation system that has been designed and engineered to meet the needs of their specific greenhouse. There’s no doubt that some operations will try to save money by installing a universal or turnkey light deprivation system that can be used in a number of greenhouses, but they will run into issues that hinder production as a result.

Will Kacheris designs custom cannabis greenhouse systems for GrowSpan Greenhouse Structures. “The largest problem with a non-engineered light deprivation system is going to be the longevity of the structure,” he says. “By dropping in a system that is not custom fit, all factors of the greenhouse cannot possibly be accounted for, and stress points may develop that cause breakdowns in the future.”

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As breakdowns occur, light can start to break through the system and prevent crops from developing healthy, profitable buds. Consider that each greenhouse has a different layout and a system that has not been designed to a structure’s exact layout can create friction. Every time the system is opened or closed–every single day–it may rub against a heating unit or drag across a light. Over time, the blackout material is going to break down and tear.

“By going with a blackout system that is built by the same greenhouse designers, all equipment and hardware is accounted for in the plan,” Kacheris says. “A reputable light dep greenhouse designer is also going to have a demo blackout greenhouse that runs continuously, specifically to find flaws and prevent customers from encountering them.”

As supply catches up to demand in Nevada and across all markets, greenhouse grows are going to be essential to providing the market with quality bud at a price where growers can still make money. For growers looking to go the greenhouse route, it’s important to spend the money up front on an engineered light deprivation system. A light dep system that is designed and engineered for an operation’s specific needs is not only going to function better within the greenhouse system, but also ensure a much longer lifespan.