By Grow

By now, you’ve heard the news that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will move to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, but it would still be a controlled substance. This historic shift in American drug policy is a long time coming, and the agency’s biggest shift in 50 years won’t happen quickly. The proposal must be reviewed by the White House Office of Management and Budget, followed by a public comment period and review by an administrative judge before the final rule is published. Once approved, marijuana will move from Schedule I, alongside heroin and LSD, to Schedule III, which includes substances like Tylenol with codeine and ketamine. The proposal would recognize the medical uses of cannabis, but wouldn’t legalize it for recreational use. Dispensaries would likely have to register to dispense cannabis like pharmacies do. Another drawback is this change may have little effect on the industry’s challenges with access to loans and banking services. Rescheduling is a first step but may not go far enough — cannabis could also eventually be treated the way alcohol is. President Biden called for reviewing federal marijuana law in October 2022 and pardoned thousands convicted of simple possession. He also urged governors and local leaders to take similar steps to erase marijuana convictions. This weed classification and weed reclassification signify major steps in evolving cannabis legislation.